Now Serving Allegheny, Beaver, and Butler Counties
Tree Services Available:

Tree Crown Reduction Pruning: This is most often used when a tree has grown too large for its permitted space. This method, sometimes called drop crotch pruning, is preferred to topping because it results in a more natural appearance, increases the time before pruning is needed again and minimizes stress. This method should be used as last resort do to large wounds on branches that increase the possibility of decay.
Tree Trimming: This is the removal of dead branches, also known as "clean out".

Crown Thinning: This is the removal of live, healthy branches on trees with dense crowns. This improves light penetration and air movement, and decreases wind resistance, thus reducing pest infestations and decreasing the risk of storm damage.
Tree Removal: This is the removal of a tree with an option of stump removal as well.

Crown Raising: This is the removal of lower branches usually to provide a comfortable clearance for people, structures, utilities and to allow light in.
Storm Clean-Up: This is for the after storm damages to downed trees and branches.
Leatherneck Tree Service, LLC
Copyright 2015 by Richelle Fuller